19 definitions by von strudelburg

reaching up your rectum between points in a tennis match
He has a nervous habit of nadaling and I think he is getting shit on the ball.
by von strudelburg September 12, 2013
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it is a fancy word for NUMEROUS that one learns in college or highschool. it is often used by tv broadcasters to make themself sound smarter. many of them put an article in front of it and say, THERE WAS A MYRIAD, thus actually sounding dumber.
cnn reporter - there are a myriad of ways to get the job done in the capital.
by von strudelburg October 15, 2013
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I need the money so it would be nice if you would PPMLF me.
by von strudelburg October 8, 2013
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when a person shoots snot on the ground by holding one side of their nose and blowing
I wish Aggassi would quit snotputting on the tennis court.
by von strudelburg March 7, 2016
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a post of something on Facebook or Twitter which is quickly deleted if the person posting it does not get any "likes," or postivie comments.
I keep flash posting that picture of me in a bathing suit but when no ones says anything, i delete it again.
by von strudelburg September 23, 2013
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It took alot of burgosity to show up at the party uninvited, eat all the food, and leave without saying a word to anyone.
by von strudelburg September 5, 2013
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