9 definitions by vincenzo

It can mean almost anything. Insert it into your everyday speech whenever it feels right.
"That was very quai of you."
"That's quaied up."
by vincenzo January 25, 2004
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Soda with Lots of bubbles. Prefably Pepsi in a can and very cold. this works great! seriously, try it.

(the bubbles seem to make it go away)
im gonna get some Cotton Mouth Killer from the fridge, want any?
by vincenzo December 3, 2003
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when a person is talking or staling while they have a bowl, bong, joint, or blunt in there hand while smoking in a group. tell them to pass that sheeeeit.
yo man is that still lit. yea. well quit doogan it man, pass that shit
by vincenzo December 2, 2003
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short for saying D-V-D
yo pop the divid in the player
by vincenzo December 2, 2003
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The urban, hip and chic way to say attitude. To be used in conjunction with "nigga" and "honky" and "ie-tie".
I don't like your attitord, honky.
by vincenzo March 31, 2005
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A synonym for 'sweet'.
"That is one salty car."
by vincenzo January 25, 2004
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its a mat with different conclusions you can jump too. the worst idea ever.
by vincenzo December 4, 2003
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