4 definitions by vanexla

A year where Satan gets to resurface earth and show a little portion of what hell looks and feels like.
In 2014 nobody thought that in 2020 so much pain would spread across the globe.
by vanexla October 25, 2020
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the attempt of using nonexistent acting skills to look dumb - another way of getting yourself grounded, fucked up and/or in the hospital.
“She keeps acting stupid.”
by vanexla October 25, 2020
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THE most sexy green ogre you will ever see in your entire life. it deserves the top spot in the princess academy awards and is also the current world record holder for best rounded bootie in existence. be careful ladies because they're coming for your top spot ;).
A: i think i'm in love.
B: let me guess, princess shrek?
A: bingo!
by vanexla January 1, 2021
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basically a drug used by humanity since the beginning of time.
go get some sleep.
by vanexla January 1, 2021
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