375 definitions by urban dictionary

WOW everyone uses the "smart" definition. it means N O I S E you fucking retards
creek errk creek errk
-honey, uhh, why, uhh, is, uhh, the bed, uhh, making, uhh, that, uhh, sound, uhh
-uhh, i, uhh, dont, uhh, know, uhh
by urban dictionary March 18, 2005
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An obscure but very affective means of swatting a flying insect. One uses two chopsticks to grind said flying bug into a hard surface.
Dude Xobe that bug, its starting to piss me off!
by urban dictionary May 10, 2003
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Some guy on the net that has enough DOS bots and exploit knowledge to drop the net.
I have a death wish so i'm going to go into Sagan's IrCQNet channel and abuse him.
by urban dictionary October 18, 2003
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A mixture between the words "fuck" and "shiezer"(actually spelt scheiser)
It is socially acceptable because it is also a drug company (pfizer)

I invented this word, oh, about two days ago. already it is being used by a multitude of people.
teacher- what are you doing out of class??
Drew- FIEZER!!!
teacher- WHAT??!
Drew- um, i need my medicine
teacher- what?
Drew- Im having an alergic reaction, i need my pfizer medication
teacher- oh really, what are you alergic to?
Drew- YOU, BITCH (<<oops)
by urban dictionary May 26, 2005
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Abbreviation for Newton, the SI unit for force. A Newton is a derived unit (kg x m / s^2)
Weight is not measured in kilograms, it is measured in Newtons. That is because weight is a measurement of force while kilograms are used to describe mass.
by urban dictionary November 2, 2004
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A prep is someone who doesn't need to tell people that they are a prep people just assume. Preps wear nice clothes usualy consisting of polo, lily pulitzer, lacoste, j crew, ect. They are the people everyone wants to be. Always composed and looking fresh. Never wearing loads of make-up but still looking good. We all have a collection of purses including at least 5 of any of these: a coach, dooney and burke, or a vera bradley. Our collars are always flipped and never have a crease.

Girls: a daily outfit; polo shirt with collar popped and a plaid mini and eliza b flip flops, not to mention tiffany jewlrey

Guys: a daily outfit; polo shirt with collar popped and plaid shorts with birkenstoks

Preps Never:
1. wear trashy clothes
2. show too much clevage
3. except an engagment ring that doesn't come in a turquoise box
4. go anywhere without a ribbon handy

Classic Prep: always summering in the hamptons or the vinyard. Plays golf, lacrosse, field hockey, or soccer.

The New Prep: summering wherever they want but always end up having a good time. Shop at all the cutest stores but only but what is concidered preppy. Play field hockey, lacrosse or soccer ; but the occasional golfer.
There that preppy girl goes with her collar flipped up and her adorable lacrosse boyfriend
by urban dictionary May 17, 2004
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abbreviation for the phrase "bitch ass nigga". often used in chat rooms.
chater1: yo
chater2: sup
chater1: nm, yo i hooked up with your sister
chater2: you b.a.n!!
by urban dictionary March 25, 2007
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