4 definitions by thepersonwhofellonanicecream

He has good memes... to make up for lack of personality. He Has a real hat nice for some reason, possibly a genie. Has headphones, possibly glued to his head.
Charlie exists.
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Thinks she's funny on a daily basis but when no one laughs has an existential crisis. A massive bitch if I've ever seen one, thrives of books but intellectual level of a tree.
Did you hear bout Remy she said fuck you to a sports teacher
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Has an emotional breakdown every time a song starts playing, three seconds in tears are rolling. Girl in red on repeat daily. Can't choose an aesthetic to save her life. Every time someone plays a musical note she's on the floor sobbing.
Oh my god did you just start playing happy, everyone runs to Emma with tissues
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Thinks hating maths is a personality trait. Thinks she had no talent but shes wrong. She is a noodle but she doesn't like noodles.
Tabby is an ice cream cone.
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