12 definitions by the voice of the common cock

Aaron - "Yo bro, wanna rip the duck with me after school?"

Peter - "Nah bro, it's scorching balls outside."
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To be heavily influenced by drugs or alcohol
Johnson bro we need to get mulched tonight, it's the last night of vacation!
by the voice of the common cock December 25, 2013
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when a man has had sex with various animals, his penis begins to stink like animal shit.
dude i just saw aaron fucking yet another goat, he has to have a stinky fuck doodle by now.
by the voice of the common cock August 18, 2010
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A hunter's tool used, after the deer is dead, to pull the butt hole inside-out then cut it off. Some hunters keep the butt hole and tie it on a neckless or bracelet. Legend has it that the real men swallow the butt hole.
Aaron- "Hey bro, can I borrow your Butt-out! this deer's got a tight ass."

Rich- "Sure thing"
by the voice of the common cock December 14, 2010
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A hybrid between the words crasian and mexican. Often found in dumpsters because they are unwanted.
Aaron- "Yo homes I hear ya got that crasian pregnant"

Riccardo-"Yea looks like we got another crasexican on the way."

Aaron- "Shit man, those things give me the creeps."
by the voice of the common cock December 14, 2010
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