52 definitions by the sub

Many malls in the Boston area contain security guards which wear hats very similar to Drill Instructors or state police, hence; Rent-A-Drill Instructor.
"Did you just shoplift from that store? I'm going to kill the whole platoon for that, and YOU'RE going to watch! HEY, GET BACK HERE!"
by the sub January 27, 2005
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A hard liquor made in Italy, and probably the worst thing from Italy since fascism. It's 42 Proof, just a little above better and cheaper flavor liquors like Bacardi Lemon and Smirnoff Twist. Romana Sambuca has a horrible black liquorish candy taste, the aftertaste of which lasts in your mouth until you rinse it out with sulfuric acid. Disgusting enough to make you vomit even before you've reached the limit of your alcohol tolerance.
Having faith in an Italian product, I bought some Romana Sambuca. I almost threw up after the first shot, and I hadn't had anything alcoholic to drink that entire week!
by the sub January 23, 2005
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A type of every day civilian that forms menial tasks around the city. They are usually low class in wealth, and are very unkept in appearance. Shaggy or greasy hair, bad skin, and odor are usually found around mutants. They can be found driving a city bus, handing out parking tickets, or cleaning up government facilities.
I saw a mutant trying to write a ticket for my car because it was parked 3 minutes over the hour limit, so I told him to get the fuck outta there.
by the sub February 16, 2005
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A line of automobiles, either on the highway or a large main street, which consists of a long stretch of automobiles which are usually tailgating each other. It is very hard to switch into this lane until you let the car line pass, or you manage to get up in front of the float which is causing it.
My exit on the highway was to the left, but a car line had formed in the left lane. This was going to be tough.
by the sub February 25, 2005
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An everyday, unknown face. A civilian is the person infront of you who is obeying the speed limit. A civilian is the fellow at the pizza joint who is looking at you and your friends like you're in the middle of a cocaine deal. A civilian is a person at a party who nobody except like 2 people know, and they may or may not be cock blocking. You can love em or hate em, but you can never get rid of civilians.
I walked into the basketball game, and all the civilians on the bleachers were looking at me because I was in my dress blue uniform.
by the sub February 16, 2005
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A group of cop cars or motorcycles on the side of a large roadway; usually not a highway but a mainstreet with a large gap between the nearest traffic lights; who have a radar pointing about a mile down the roadway. One of the officers will step into the middle of the road ahead and direct the speeding vehicle to the breakdown lane, or if the vehicle has passed, will chase it down in the police car.

Usually the purpose of this event is to get cheap tickets out of people doing 5 miles over the speed limit. This works well since wealthier people tend to have powerful luxury cars which can go very fast without them even realizing it. While claiming to be 'keeping the roads safe', they are merely looking for a cheap buck out of hardworking individuals. Driving in a straight line a little to fast isn't as dangerous as the assholes who switch lanes aggressively, cut faster moving traffic off, and tailgate. These pigs should be out patrolling, looking for aggressive drivers. Of course, if you're driving an expensive car, you'll get pulled over for being the victim.
The cops sat in the breakdown lane with a radar, scamming people going 5-10 MPH over in order to get a quick buck for the local police station. Meanwhile, a shitbox Honda cuts off my Lexus, and the cop 5 carlengths infront of him slams his brakes (real safe move asshole), gets behind me and pulls ME over for tailgating (as if he could have assessed from that far ahead). I appealed that scam easily and got off free when the pig didnt even show up at the appeal hearing... but next time I won't be so lucky since I'm foolish enough to drive a car worth more than that pig's annual earnings.
by the sub November 13, 2004
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1) A derogatory term for a Canadian.

2) A professional who was educated in a Canadian college and is usually an immigrant.
1) Those frostbacks are so stupid they think THEY burnt the White House in 1812 in place of the British.

2) My doctor is a frostback.. He had to leave Canada because Canada can't afford to pay their professionals enough.
by the sub February 5, 2005
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