20 definitions by the real julia

Defined as the female's climax in response to sexual stimulation.
My sweet babboo gives me The Big O and I am his slave for a week.
by the real julia December 27, 2005
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There are multiple meanings for straight-
1. Traditional meaning: Without a bend or curve, evenly formed or set, not crooked.
2. Traditional meaning: Figurative; a) frank, honest, upright, b) right, correct
3. Traditional meaning: in proper order (numeric, chronologic, alphabetic, etc...),
4. Traditional meaning: without interruption or break; continuous, in an unbroken series, without reservations or exceptions,
5. Traditional meaning: unmixed, undiluted (reference to alcohol, or other substances, without qualification, unmodified,
6. Traditional meaning: showing no emotion or humor, serious rather than comic, natural rather than eccentric,
7. Traditional meaning: reliable, sure, authoritative,
8. Traditional meaning: behaving in a conventional manner, holding orthodox views, conventional, standard, normal,
9. Traditional meaning: made up of a set of five cards, as in poker,
10. Slang: term used in agreement, approval,
11. Slang: term used to qualify one's sexual preference,
12. Slang: term used to denote the validity of a statement or claim,
13. Slang: term used to describe a manner of frank communication, i.e.- straight talk,
14. Slang: term used to determine level of understanding, agreement, or otherwise mutual understanding and agreement
Traditionally the word Straight referenced the quality of an object posessing no bends, curves, or twists.
Today the word Straight refers to myriad categories including heterosexuality, commonality of opinion, earnest communication, and level of comprehension.
by the real julia December 26, 2005
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your sweet heart.Sally (from the cartoon of Peanuts with Charlie Brown and Snoopy) dubbed her crush Sweet Babboo. Term of endearment.
My sweet Babboo is wonderful, and cute too.
by the real julia March 20, 2007
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The act of pursuing cosmetic surgery beyond corrective procedures. The idea is to enhance, or improve upon the quality of one's natural appearance. Oftentimes women will choose to prevent the natural processes of aging through various procedures. This term may be used either positively or negatively depending on the amount of procedures a given individual chooses to get.
-I have small titties and I want a larger rack. I swear I am going to Plasticize!!!
-Damn, that old bag has had too much work done! She has a look of surprise from all of the face lifts. Someone should have told her to go easy when she chose to Plasticize!
by the real julia December 30, 2005
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a thing. a funny thing. no meaning. no purpose. purely for amusemeny.
joke. i am a joke. i was a joke. now i am a bigger joke.
by the real julia December 5, 2006
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To utterly defile a victimized person of either sex. Can occur at any age, by anyone to anyone. It is not a joke. It is the subject of many UD submissions, but should not constitute as a form of entertainment, nor amusement. This terrible act ruins a person on many levels for the rest of their life. It is considered a greaat subject of high school and peri-adolescent males and females alike. However, should they grow up and consider the feelings of those survivors of said act they would come to realize how heedy this particular subject truly is.
Tulsa, Oklahoma recently caught a suspect accused of serial rape. The sick son of a bitch raped at least eleven victims ranging in age from TWO YEARS OLD to twenty. I hope they fry the shithole for his calculated serial rape crimes.
by the real julia February 24, 2006
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