30 definitions by the little kid

The untrimmed mustache that makes you look like a dirty Mexican.
Tondo didn't shave for a week.
As a result, his friends crowned him Mr. Mex-stache of the month.
by the little kid June 13, 2006
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An exclamation used to yell at slow drivers.
"That stupid fool is going 20 in a 35 zone."
(Pumping fist in the air)
"You Old Man!!! Arrrrggh!!"
by the little kid June 1, 2006
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Money usually coming from the wealthy mommy and daddy. If not, then money earned from being a doctor or mathmetician.
Korko: Dude, look at Wang Chung. That guy got Chinese money.
Mubbu: How can you tell?
Korko: Wang Chung is a math doctor, and so were his parents.
by the little kid June 2, 2006
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After taking a piss, Nimbulus realized he was balding when he saw the toilet hair he left behind.
by the little kid June 5, 2006
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Nickname to praise anyone whose name begins with the letter A.
Armando: Jimbo!! Whattup homie!!
Jimbo: A-Bomb! What is up, my friend.
by the little kid May 26, 2006
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The boy you uncontrollably have the hots for so much, you will stop at nothing to make him yours.
Hessa: Look at that boy shopping for toothbrushes. He's a hottie.
Chessa: You should murder sheep in their sleep and make him your stockboy.
by the little kid June 5, 2006
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Fatolla got mad at me when my condom fell off. She blamed it on my foot size. I blamed it on my limpo.
by the little kid June 2, 2006
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