25 definitions by the Mad Shatter

According to a professor I had, it is an act which was done by some religion (I am not going to say which!) where the head holy man ritualistically sacrifices a virgin girl, then leaves the body out and the inards begin to decompose. once they are decomposed enough, they took the body out and have a ceremony where the head holy man would place his mouth over the dead girl's vagina, and his assistant would then stomp on her belly, forcing the rotten and decomposing innards out through the opening and into the holy man's mouth, and he then swallows them. supposedly the rotten innards would affect the holy man's health, and put him in a fever, where he would recieve visions (because he is halucinating) sent by their god and it would predict the future of the kingdom for the next year. i do not know if it is real, but my professor swore it was
by the Mad Shatter April 29, 2005
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In Cantonese, a person with androgenous genetalia. Usually used as an insult, but is also traditionally used given as a middle name to children when they are born with the condition, as a warning to future sexual partners.
(Hot girl running out of the bedroom at a party) "OMG he dropped his pants and he was so Sen Wei!"
by the Mad Shatter April 26, 2005
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female slang for: It is you.
after the bitch chased me down the street with a knife, i told her "it's not you, it's me"
by the Mad Shatter April 28, 2005
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The bad-ass-est archeologist ever! He found the holy grail, the ark of the covenant, and one of the lost shankara stones. His dad is a bearded goat with bad enunciation, but for some reason women like him. I guess they think he is cute like one of those troll dolls, not the ones with the jewel in the belly but the ones that people put on their lawns. some people call them lawn gnomes, but we know better. Indie has a whip and a gun, but sometimes he loses the gun so he has to run away. He has no scruples about bringing a gun to a sword fight. His best friend is this guy who lives in egypt and i think his name is Marsala. He had a monkey for a while, and a pet asian kid named Short n' Round, but I will not tell you what he did with him. Basically he ran around the world fighting the nazis and the pagans and stealing national treasures and heirlooms and stuff. Some king threatened to cut off his "misunderstandings" because he thought he was a grave robber or something. But I say, once something is in the ground it is fair game. Except corpses. Indie has about the same rules, though once he stole this asian guy's ancestor's remains. Then the guy poisoned him, so indie stole his woman. I think her name was charlie or something. Indie's full name is "Junior Indianna Jones," but his good friends call him Susan.

They named a genre of music after him, apparently, but I dont know anything about that.
Hey, Indie just shop lifted the poonany!

by the Mad Shatter April 28, 2005
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