4 definitions by the Chef

a social gathering of which the sole purpose is to get drunk and bullshit with friends
This is not a formal gathering, more of an excuse to meet up and have a blether
by the Chef March 3, 2005
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the act of being a bitch and avoiding people who you owe money to

the act of out maneuvering someone with stupidity
Person 1- hey you get your money from Tom

Person 2 - nah man he hazelled me
by the Chef April 25, 2015
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1. The act of two females interlocking their legs and humping genitalia to genitalia. 2. When two women Bump Uglies
I knew the party had just started when I caught 2 girls bumpin' monkeys in my room!! Sweet!!
by the Chef July 23, 2003
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other products added to drugs to increase the supply and maximize revenues
If you buy 7 grams of coke and put 3 grams of cut in it, you now have 10 grams of coke
by the Chef November 10, 2002
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