3 definitions by teepau

When someone says something of no relevance to conversation in a random manner.

When some does this they are said to have 'Powelled Out'.
1: What did you think of the Labour party conference, Tom?
2: It was eponymous turkey fingers.
1: That was some serious Powelling out man.
2: Shut up you dick.
1: But that was an almighty Powell Out
by teepau December 1, 2009
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Bill: You pound Barbara last night George?
George: Dude, nah! She only let me go fork tongue. I feel used.
by teepau November 21, 2010
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To forcefully jab a thumb up an arsehole.
1: Dude, my ass stings this morning, and my hand stinks.
2: Does your thumb ache?
1: Yeah, real bad.
2: You've been thrupping again, stupid bastard.
by teepau September 1, 2010
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