3 definitions by suez

A gorgeous, smiling smart girl. A girl who can be sweet either extremely bold with her friends or shy when around her crush. Dont push her around. Shes braver than you think. Get to know her shes kinda awesome. She has a huge heart and a vivid and wild imagination. Usually brunette or blond. Irish name. You meet her be her friend. People she adores bring out the best in her. She may be extremely pretty but thinks she is ugly. Tell her the truth and be real around her. Shes awesome. She is special.
by suez November 23, 2021
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a fart that passes through a damp swimsuit
John always squizzles while sitting on the beach.
by suez July 8, 2015
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creative re-use of an object for a purpose other than which it was originally intended
by suez April 13, 2005
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