22 definitions by subway572572

the author of the holy bible for minecrafters, the god of minecraft, the best science teacher
dave: hey man did you write sumn?
christopher miko: hey i did it was The Holy Bible for Minecrafters
dave: damn bruh fr fr no cap bussin bussin
christopher miko: what
by subway572572 February 13, 2023
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When a group of people claim to be a gang, or in the hood, but they live in a nice place with a middle or higher class life.
Boyz N The Good: aye cuh yuh guh suh buh chuhs gang fr
Mom: Honey, get your cookies, fresh out the oven!
by subway572572 October 28, 2023
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Thought you couldn't get ratio'd on urban dictionary? You're wrong. This is when you have more dislikes than likes on your definition. Sad.
Now that this definition has been made, it will most likely be urban ratio'd
by subway572572 October 28, 2023
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Craziest fucking day ever
Hitler was born
Avicii died
Benny Hill died
420 day
Radium discovered
Man 1: I truly love the day April 20
April 20 man:
Man: He's right behind me, isn't he..
by subway572572 October 6, 2023
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Weeb 1: That loli is so hot i clummed
Weeb 2: Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
by subway572572 October 7, 2023
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