10 definitions by stewieg wannabe

The dawning realisation that you don't know what's going on in any given situation. Line from the 1980s Ultravox song 'Vienna':

Oh Vienna, this means nothing to me.
During the Q&A a professor asked an obscure question and as he was talking I was having a total Vienna moment.
by stewieg wannabe August 13, 2008
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Condition where your arm goes numb, preventing you raising it beyond horizontal
What's wrong with your arm?
Oh I had a flu shot earlier and now I've got a touch of McCain arm
by stewieg wannabe December 4, 2008
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The detours and delays of a regular vacation casused by volcanic ash disrupting your return flight home, or conversely the time you spend at home because you couldn't fly out.
Prague was great, but the volcation took in Germany, Switzerland and France on the drive back!
by stewieg wannabe April 20, 2010
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Any discontinuity in normal life arising from volcanic eruptions.
All regular news has been suspended, we will stay with this story no matter how long or tedious it is. We apologise for this int'eruption.
by stewieg wannabe April 20, 2010
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Slavish devotee to Apple products from the ipod the Mac. Steve Jobs is their messiah and will fiercely defend him.
Usually dressed in a black polo-neck.
Steve Jobs released the iPad in San Francisco. It looked just like an iphone except it was bigger, heavier, harder to transport, more expensive and did less things. The assembled appolytes salivated nonetheless.

Thank Jobs there was someone who understood them and didn't just produce another useless 'gadget' they said. The appolytes were pleased.
by stewieg wannabe January 28, 2010
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A fervent popular activist. Someone who gets very animated and active over fashionable causes such as the political prisoner du jour, climate change, Darfur or whatever is fashionable to be outraged about. Heart in the right place, and will tell you all about it whether or not you want to hear it.
How's Jessica?
Usual, gave me on Darfur when she dropped off some low-energy light bulbs as a gift.
She's such a passionista.
by stewieg wannabe April 19, 2009
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The universal troubles caused to you by being part of a family. So called because they are familiar to all concerned.

Membership and/or participation in family activities cause well known types of this shit.
What's up Greg?

My uncle caused a scene over Thanksgiving and my mum was crying over the wasted effort to have a nice dinner.

Yeah, I can totally do without that familia shit; my sister wanted to go out and my dad said not looking like that but she did so anyway, so then he gets on my case and says i should get off my lazy ass and get a job.
by stewieg wannabe December 1, 2009
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