38 definitions by stef

To be overly excited, filled with craziness, and can hardly keep in control, if that.
Sam Says: Cunt me Cunt me Cunt me!!! WHOA!!!
by stef March 17, 2004
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1. get stupid, dumb, crazy
2. short for 'hyperactive' and the word 'fly' put together..hyph-y
they was gettin hyphy by pullin all 4 doors out n gas dippin.
by stef November 14, 2004
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1. People who enjoy placing totillas on their cock
Hey, Joe Schmoe, Why dont u go get that stack of totillacocks, and bring em on over here! i'm hungry.. and rarin to go!
by stef March 18, 2004
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A game invented by the British Army in which is a lot like soccer. The differences are:

1. The goal is a post or a spot on the ground where the ball must be placed (not thrown), rather than an open goal

2. There are no rules. Anything goes except for the use of weapons and punching to the face or groin.

3. The winner is the team that accumulates the most points before the end of the game.

There are some variations such as 'last man standing murderball' and 'one point per hospitalisation'
'Fancy another game of murderball?'
'Not til they take my stitches out'
by stef January 7, 2005
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The Martial Art of Firearms, ie shooting someone.
Piss off Pai Mei. all that Jap-slappin is no match for my Gun Fu!
by stef January 8, 2005
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RAD BAND. "Natural Born Chaos" is one of the best CD's ever.
by stef April 8, 2004
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