12 definitions by sherry


1. A slang for sex.

2. To get some sex.
I'm not emotionally bound to you, I just want you ch'mon.
by sherry November 16, 2004
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To Bring Magic in the Gathering of Few Great Men. No women.
David Banner: Wow can you feel the MKK.

Wing Wa Jones: Its the sensation of acknowledging supreme greatness.

B K Jones: You ain't kidding.
by sherry April 20, 2004
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a person who acts, does, or says something absolutly stupid
when i hit myself in the face with a phone at work and gave myself a fat bloody lip
by sherry November 7, 2004
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this is a word created by george bush(also see w or john kerry-antonym on august 21, 2001... as quoted by usa today.
it refers to trees. or at least it did until arbo-tree-ist came into existence. see arbo-tree-ist.
"arbolist...look up the word. i don't know, maybe i made it up. anyway, it's an arbo-tree-ist, somebody who knows about trees."
by sherry November 7, 2004
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Transylvania talk for "what". Usually used by a couple of teenage girls who have nothing better to do other than talking weird.
Vampire 1:Garleec ees so good!

Vampire 2: Vhat
by sherry September 24, 2004
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w made up this word, similar to the word which is its predecessor, arbolist.

somebody who knows about trees, derivitive perhaps from the original: arborist.
dick cheney told me i was the leader of the nation so i think i'll make up a word about trees. when one already exists.
by sherry November 7, 2004
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