78 definitions by shannon

Guitar player of Good Charlotte. Twin brother to Joel Madden. Normal punk rock guy who needs his ass kicked every once in a while.
Normal: he is a fan of Rancid and Minor Threat.
by shannon April 7, 2005
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Most people driving on the road in front of me,behind me and beside me!These people can be spotted immediately while driving a car they are the ones who are on interstate and highways everywhere driving in the left lane and right lane simultaneously going 30 mph backing up traffic and pissing me off! They also are the people who drive for ten miles with teir fucking turn signal on, letting me further know that they are fucking geniuses! And these people also like too turn by slamming there brakes on with no proper turn signal on causing me too sream out the window YOU FUCKING DUMBASS, while they always turn around and look at you as if they have done nothing wrong,DUMBASSES!They also like too pull out in front of you narrowly avoiding from causing a severe accident and you usually need a front end alignment and a brake job after this fucking retards dumbass driving!!!THESE PEOPLE NEVER EVER HAVE ANY FUCKING INSURANCE EITHER! And if you have a brand new car they are always going too be attracted to it,these people are the same people at grocery stores and retail stores that let their kids run around like little wild monkeys and play with toys on your car,scatching the paint and open their car doors, because they cant park worth a shit, and slamming their door into your parked car door denting the shit out of it, and saying absolutely nothing,because they are trash and do not deserve too breathe oxygen!They also like to slam buggys into your car or let their children, that they have no control over slam the buggy into your car! And these people have there ass handed too them when I see them!
In DUMBASS REHABILITATION: Jasmine stated " Hi, my name is Jasmine and i am trash and a dumbass who is on welfare,and i cant respect other peoples property, and i do not know how to drive, or contain my 9 kids who are little bastards!
by shannon September 12, 2004
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ford performace vehicle
whoa man did u see the fpv flog the shit outta that commodore?
by shannon November 22, 2003
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1. Personal actions or habits intended to convey, or expose, emotional or intellectual conviction. 2. The act of creating art for the sake of personal gratification. 3. A generalization applied to any action that lacks skill or outside desirability, but is, within it's self, a worthwhile endeavor.
1. It's hard to understand why wearing clothes from Hot Topic is considered self expression, when everyone else is doing the exact same thing. 2. We allow the patients a little time for self expression during arts & crafts; it helps keep them from nutting-up on eachother. 3. It could be said that urban-America is reforming it's self into a more positive environment, by using the art of self expression to cope with all the angst and percieved inequities which once drove it's population to pacify themselves with drugs and crime.
by shannon September 9, 2003
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The state where girls drink shit beer better than guys from any other state can drink water...and where we somehow make money exporting the beer we think is too shitty to drink to poor college students in Boston...and then the Wisconsin girls go drink it there!
We drink like we're from Wisconsin, we talk like we're from Jersey, and we fuck like rabbits.
by shannon December 17, 2003
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to feel ashamed
comes from the CHAMORRO languistics
manny was talking to shannon one day and he had a huge azz boogie in his nose , he looked in the mirror a couple min. later and felt MULLARD
by shannon March 26, 2005
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-beats out
"Taylor Locke's sexiness totally out-twelves Robert's cuteness."
by shannon January 4, 2005
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