10 definitions by shadow77110
An OTC antihistamine medicine which can be used as a recreational drug. When taken at the recreatinal dose, the person will hallucinate but will not know what is real and not, i.e. they will talk to a person that is not really there or try to interact with things that are not really there. After the person has come down, they will usually will not remember what happened alot like a dream.
by shadow77110 June 20, 2006
Slang for the Dissociate drug "Phencyclidine" (PCP).
This term was coined after the Hell's Angels were manufacturing this drug alot, thus explaining the Angel part.
Anyway, its a really scary drug, don't do it.
This term was coined after the Hell's Angels were manufacturing this drug alot, thus explaining the Angel part.
Anyway, its a really scary drug, don't do it.
Angel Dust is a terrible drug, a rapper once ripped his eyeball out while tripping on this stuff. He now lives in a mental institute.
by shadow77110 December 10, 2006
A fag that ruined two very good songs (Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody and Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven). He decided to put a "Wobble Board" and a digeridoo solo in Stairway to Heaven. Although he did this to Stairway to Heaven, he didn't do much to Bohemian Rhapsody. He did alot of other stupid things like signs his artwork with a caricature of himself as a kangaroo which is named "Rolfaroo". Look up more by searching for him on google.
by shadow77110 December 1, 2006
Basically means the same as Couch potato, which means they just sit around on the couch while watching TV and usually eating.
by shadow77110 January 30, 2007
N,N-DMT is a shortenend name of N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Most commonly named *DMT*, it is a psychedelic tryptamine that makes a very intense trip. N,N-DMT is produced natrually by the brain and is thought to be produced by the pineal gland (which is also the body's biological clock) which is located ner the center of the brain, N,N-DMT is released when you die. The methods of intake are:
Smoking: Onset comes around 15 - 30 seconds, the smoke tastes like burning plastic.
Oral: N,N-DMT is only psychoactive orally when taken with a MAOI (Monoamine oxidase inhibiter).
Snorting: Same as smoking it, only effects last longer and are milder.
Injection: Mostly the same as smoking.
DMT is scheduled is most countries.
Smoking: Onset comes around 15 - 30 seconds, the smoke tastes like burning plastic.
Oral: N,N-DMT is only psychoactive orally when taken with a MAOI (Monoamine oxidase inhibiter).
Snorting: Same as smoking it, only effects last longer and are milder.
Injection: Mostly the same as smoking.
DMT is scheduled is most countries.
N,N-DMT is a very psychedelic experience.
by shadow77110 July 6, 2006
A psychoactive plant that has a very thin line between psychoactivity and poisoning. Three berries of a Deadly Nightshade plant has been fatal for a child and one leave is enough is enough to kill an adult. The roots are generally the most toxic part of the plant.
The uses of Deadly Nightshade are as follows:
Cosmetic - Used by women, an extract of Deadly Nightshade was put in an eye drop and then dropped into the eye, making the pupil dilate. This usually makes a woman more attractive.
Recreational - People may make tea out of the leaves, the experience from the plant is usually long (12 hours up to 3 days) and is similiar to Datura, Dipenhydramine and Benadryl in effects. The effects include vivid hallucinations, dry mouth and general feeling of being poisoned.
Medicine - Deadly Nightshade can provide Atropine which can be used for an antidote for cholinesterase inhibitors and nerve gas used in chemical warfare. It can be also used by optometrists to dilate the pupils for eye examinations.
The uses of Deadly Nightshade are as follows:
Cosmetic - Used by women, an extract of Deadly Nightshade was put in an eye drop and then dropped into the eye, making the pupil dilate. This usually makes a woman more attractive.
Recreational - People may make tea out of the leaves, the experience from the plant is usually long (12 hours up to 3 days) and is similiar to Datura, Dipenhydramine and Benadryl in effects. The effects include vivid hallucinations, dry mouth and general feeling of being poisoned.
Medicine - Deadly Nightshade can provide Atropine which can be used for an antidote for cholinesterase inhibitors and nerve gas used in chemical warfare. It can be also used by optometrists to dilate the pupils for eye examinations.
Deadly Nightshade can also be called Belladonna
by shadow77110 January 10, 2007
A game where you hide a flag from the opposing team, the playing field is usually divided into two equal sections.
A simpler alternative to this can be played by having a field like so:
J. . . . .C
|. . . . .|
C- - - C
|. . . . .|
C. . . . .J
C = Chair/Stand that has flag sitting on top of it.
J = "Jail", the place you go to after being tug in the opposing team's side.
- = Center line, teams have to run here while holding the oppositions flag to score points.
Teams try and get the flag in enemys territory to the center line. If you get tug and are in jail you can get out if someone from your team runs past the enemy and tags you.
A simpler alternative to this can be played by having a field like so:
J. . . . .C
|. . . . .|
C- - - C
|. . . . .|
C. . . . .J
C = Chair/Stand that has flag sitting on top of it.
J = "Jail", the place you go to after being tug in the opposing team's side.
- = Center line, teams have to run here while holding the oppositions flag to score points.
Teams try and get the flag in enemys territory to the center line. If you get tug and are in jail you can get out if someone from your team runs past the enemy and tags you.
by shadow77110 September 2, 2006