10 definitions by sciurus

Turned from a noun into a verb through verbing. Once something is verbed it becomes a verbation.
I've realized that anything can be verbed. I didn't define words on Urban Dictionary; I went urbandictionarying!
by sciurus September 12, 2004
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The result of verbing.
I genocided him in StarCraft last night.

Dude, don't say that! That's a horrible verbation!
by sciurus September 12, 2004
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A poorly designed webpage characterized by pitiful layout, unreadable text, and lots of images. Often built on the templates of free web hosts such as Geocities or Angelfire.
Look at that marquee! This site is so geocities.
by sciurus September 8, 2004
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Waiter, can you ask those tacocrunchers to quiet down?
by sciurus June 11, 2004
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Wow, yellow text on a white background, how Angelfire.
by sciurus September 8, 2004
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Also known as Oxford College of Emory University.

A two year school located on Emory's original campus. After graduating, students continue on as juniors at Emory's main campus.
People actually smile at you at Little Emory. Maybe it's because they have higher IQ's.
by sciurus June 11, 2004
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The act of turning a noun into a verb. Verbing results in verbation. Although in a sense it is the inverse of a gerund, a word that has been verbed can actually be turned back into a noun as a gerund. Hence verbing is the gerund form of the verbed noun "verb."
I googled you before our first date.

Jerk! Stop verbing!
by sciurus September 12, 2004
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