252 definitions by sandrashine

The tension between will and power.

The tension between language and aesthetic.

The tension between past and future.

The tension between linear time and cyclical time.

Futurekampf has a contrapositive orientation with respect to kulturkampf.
Futurekampf is the contrapositive struggle of history to convert linguistic sense to aesthetic desire.
by sandrashine June 24, 2018
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A fantastical representation of the worst sum of all fears.

A representative map used to separate the cognitive (material) from the self-cognitive (affectative) across the node of convergence.

A hell razor that anihilizes (dualizes) the hard problem of materialism.
A thoughtmare is a hypothetical worst-case scenario that helps a sentient entity separate its thoughts (phenomenonology) from its cognitive array (representation).
by sandrashine November 2, 2018
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The future of democracy.

The result of the voluntary response sample.

Bias as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Ethnocracy is the result of voters seeking confirmation bias at the polls.
by sandrashine November 9, 2018
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Irony at the level of consciousness. Self-actualized consciousness counterposed to its own existence. Consciousness as a self-actualized linearization of time that originates from cyclical time origins. Inability of consciousness to consciously traverse linear time due to the very nature of its existence.
Ironic consciousness means we cannot travel backwards in time.
by sandrashine July 27, 2017
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A synthesis of past and future--specifically retrofuturism and neotraditionalism ((inverted time regression (recursion))--to create a resonant eternal present; an “end of history; a completion of the Hegelian dialectic. Founded on recursive synthesism, it unites the physical and metaphysical; the existential and ideal; and the personal and universal into a single mythos.

Metamodernity is the successor to hypermodernism in which time is the final skeuomorph. In metamodernity time is manifested by three aesthetics: 1.Retro-modernism (1950’s motif) 2. Electro-industrialism (1980’s retrofuturism) 3. Object-infrastructure unity (2080’s)

Metamodernity has three primary technological motifs: human-agnostic consciousness, object-infrastructure unity, and information-energy unity.

In the cultural paradigm, each part is considered equivalent to the whole. This is in contrast to hypermodernism in which the part (attribute (imitation (skeuomorph))) is GREATER than the whole.

Metamodernity transcends the convergence/intersectionalism/monotheism/linguistics-centered world of logos to connect singularity with duality (the ultimate synthesis). This is called the Vikaasian Paradox. Metamodernity unites Eastern philosophy with Western aesthetics which are now believed to display implicit cyclical time. Academia returns to mythos in a final triumph of philosophy over science.
Metamodernity is a cultural reconciliation of the future-past and the past-future.
by sandrashine July 16, 2017
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As contrasted to ui/o (user-interface object (user input-output)).

Synthetic very-large-scale-integration chip design which sublimates programming objects into five attributive references: cyclical, bi-directional, non-linear contra-referential, radially-referential, and meta (self)-referential.

Synthetic processor in which a functional language becomes its own parser (homoiconic languages lack a distinction between data and code).

Precursor to computable entanglement (computable energy reference).
Object-interface unity would make quantum entanglement computable and therefore constructivist.
by sandrashine June 15, 2018
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A French post-structuralist movement in the 1970's that argued that philosophy was a actually a critique of power.

Underwritten by Foucalt.
Foucalt argued that functionalism divided society into a duality of power: oppressed and oppressor.
by sandrashine September 16, 2018
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