69 definitions by ron

The act of sex, also referred to as "waxing, getting waxed."
by ron March 9, 2005
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stuuuuuuu; mi dens; meyers; clare
what a ngujack; what the hell are you doing ngujack; that's not how you do it ngujack
by ron November 15, 2004
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Acronym for "couldn't care less". Describes an issue that is so unimportant that it is not worth pursuing or discussing further; see whatever.
John: This is a bug.
Harriet: No, it's a feature. I can explain to you for three hours why it's like that.
John: CCL. Whatever.
by ron April 10, 2003
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background: this word was born out of the fobby pacific-island-dominated (read : ghetto) high schools of new zealand.

basically if you're an eat-ass you talk too much shit.
you did what? yea whatever dick, you're a fucken eat-ass
by ron May 30, 2004
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"What it eia Benny"

"Nuttin, jus modulatin'"
by ron March 19, 2005
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