33 definitions by roland819

"1. The Wilhelm Scream is one of a series of short painful screams performed by an actor that were recorded in 1951 for the Warner Brother's film ""Distant Drums."" They were used for a scene where a man is bitten and dragged underwater by an alligator. The recording was archived into the studio's sound effects library -- and it was used in many of their films since. ""Star Wars"" Sound Designer Ben Burtt tracked down the scream recording - which he named ""Wilhelm"" from a character who let out the same scream in ""Charge at Feather River (1953)."" Ben has adopted the scream as sort of a personal sound signature, and has worked it into as many films as he can as well as other sound designers, ~150 movies and counting.
2. The sound made by a (newbie) to anal sex. 3. The sound heard in one's head when things have gone terribly bad."
1. Dude! Did you hear that zombie let out a Wilhelm scream when it got it's leg cut off. 2. Roberto let out a Wilhelm Scream as he got introduced to the joy of prison sex by his new jail cellmate Bubba. 3. Gawd! I think I am having a heart attack. I should never have back packed alone and more than 5 miles into the woods {Wilhelm Scream}.
by roland819 December 6, 2006
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1. Description of any person whose feet naturally rotate at the ankles towards each other such that the toes on each foot are angled towards each other in a state of rest. 2. What eventually happens to the feet of all members of a marching band.
1. My brother is pigeon toed. Not sure why he is because it's not hereditary. 2. The school band has two hundred members and their all pigeon toed. Yea, I think it's a membership requirement.
by roland819 December 6, 2006
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Jimmy said he would change his ways but it was MOTS bullshit.
by roland819 December 13, 2006
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1. A trap to capture various monkeys used around the world which consists of a staked container with a hole cut into it just wide enough for a monkey to stick it's empty hand into. The container is baited with something attractive to the monkey. Monkey reaches for bait and then will not release the bait and cannot pull it's hand out of the trap with bait in hand. It is then captured. 2. Any women's purse that is too small to contain everything the women wants to carry but is stuffed full nonetheless. When the women tries to pull something out of the purse she wrestles exhaustively yet will not pull the desired object out and she won't give up trying (empting the purse first makes too much sense). 3. Metaphor for greed.
1. That monkey really like it's banana's. It wouldn't let go of the banana I baited my monkey trap with now it's head adorns my library wall. Suhweet !! 2. Jenny's been trying to pull her cell phone out of her monkey trap for five minutes now. 3. The lure of collecting millions from the insurance settlement was my monkey trap leading to me to whack my business partner.
by roland819 December 13, 2006
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General backwoods, hill country where backwards, toothless hillbillys originate.
Jackie couldn't work the TV remote cause they don't have TV's back in the hills.
by roland819 November 23, 2006
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Acronym for Belly Up To The Bar.
Time to punch out and head over to O'Malley's to get me some much needed BUTTB time.
by roland819 November 25, 2006
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A person that can't type and what non-typing motherfuckers repeatedly type in place of the word "the" while online chatting or online conversing.
John, you are teh most impotent thing in my life and I hope teh good times are never fogotten. {They usually can't type or spell anything else either}
by roland819 November 23, 2006
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