11 definitions by robotlegcommando

The homosexual males you see at raves that come dressed SO GAY it mindfucks your rolling brain and ruins your entire night.
"Hey! Are you going to One Night Stand?"

"No, with a name like that they should've just called it Flight of the Turbohomos."
by robotlegcommando February 27, 2009
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Cuntact is unwanted or undesirable contact, as done by one who "cunts" the cuntacted party.
Can you pick up some Off Deep Woods brand insect repellent while youre out? The mosquitoes are still getting inside and making cuntact.
by robotlegcommando July 28, 2011
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shit motherfucka ass tits cunt cock motherfucka shit ass tits mothafucka shit come on. fickity fuck. fickity fuck. fuckity fuck. fickity fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. fluttercussing.
by robotlegcommando August 1, 2011
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"Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you eat two deputies??"

"Purplen Durr."

"Purple n' durr??"

"purpl-end-er, perplen-dhurgh. prplndr."

" Isn't tehd ridden cotecettically, Sir Pigglin Wigglin: Welcome to my ass."
by robotlegcommando February 17, 2012
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