33 definitions by ring-tailed roarer

The awful, awful hangover that you get after drinking excessively on New Year's Eve.
He: God, I feel awful! I shouldn't have drunk so much at Bob's New Year's Eve party. I feel like death
She: Yeah, you've got a bad case of New Year's Die.
by ring-tailed roarer December 27, 2010
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The feeling of sadness that many people experience after the political climax of the inauguration of the president of their choice.
Psychiatrist: Tell me why you asked to see me today, Ms.___.
Patient: Because I feel really, really, really sad - kind of drained and empty. When Barack was President-Erect - I mean, Elect - I felt soooooo great, but now all I can think of is my crappy job, my bills ... depressing stuff like that ...
Psychiatrist: Ah, yes, a classic case of post-inaugural depression. I notice that you first said "President Erect" .... Why do you think that was ....
Etc., etc..
by ring-tailed roarer January 21, 2009
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A question that you ask when someone has said something incredibly rude, stupid, offensive, or otherwise awkward and antisocial.
Guy 1: Like, as far as I'm concerned, those people deserved to be bombed ....
Others: What???
Guy 2: Who farted?
by ring-tailed roarer March 18, 2011
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Two shots and a splash of water.
Guy: I feel gooooood ... I think I'll have a cocktail this evening.
Bartender: What cocktail would you like?
Guy: I dunno ... something new and interesting ...
Bartender: How about an Osama Bin Laden?
Guy: What's that?
Bartender: Two shots and a splash of water.
Guy: That's good! Yeah, great .... I'll have an Osama Bin Laden.
by ring-tailed roarer May 4, 2011
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Two shots and a splash of water.
Guy at bar to bartender: "I'm not sure what to have ..."
Bartender: "How about a Bin Laden Cocktail ..."
Guy: "What's that??"
Bartender: "Two shots and a splash of water."
Guy: "Ouch!"
by ring-tailed roarer May 17, 2011
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He: So Bob's not going to hear Al Gore speak this evening?
She: No, he thinks all the talk of global warming is crap - he's a thermoskeptic.
by ring-tailed roarer December 10, 2009
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A loud, long, voluminous, and smelly fart, with reference to Acts 2:1-2 in the King James Version of the Bible, where Jesus's disciples are visited by the Holy Spirit in an upper room: "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting."
She: OMG!!! I've never heard a fart go on as long as that and so loud. Open the windows or we'll all suffocate!
He: Yea, amazing isn't it. Every time I eat curry, I fart like that. I call it my pentecostal fart.
She: You're bad.
He: I know.
by ring-tailed roarer June 5, 2010
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