10 definitions by renton

The McDonalds of coffee houses. Popular with the masses because of it's convenience of having a location on every corner and sometimes even located inside of other stores. Tries to pass off as a hangout for free-thinking artsy types when it is really an evil corporation that treats it's suppliers in developing nations like trash.
"The Man" gets his coffee at starbucks.
by renton August 25, 2004
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A cheap crap shirt that consists of one primary colour covering the whole shirt with no brand names, something a small medium build,chipped toothed with facial hair kid would wear to the beach.
Search dictionary for fisewel
by renton October 24, 2003
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1.A member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the 12th century B.C.

2. Anyone that is considered "uncultured" by the educated elite
Homer Simpson is a philistine
by renton August 22, 2004
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