5 definitions by real-i-o


word originally used as substitute for "heavy", now used in the Home Counties (UK).
Something "serious" ie very good
Dat tune was proper hectic
Yeah, you nah wo' I mean, Trace'?
by real-i-o August 9, 2003
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1) a make of car by Mercedes
2) an acknowledgment of departure only when preceeded by "I'm audi" (out of here)
3) drugs, particularly cannabis, to the value of £10/ ie a tenners worth or tens' worth. Also lengthened to Benedict.
1) "Oh Lawd, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? My friends all have Porsches, I must make amends..."
2)"Alright, I've done had enough. I'm audi."
3)"That guy just got bumped. He asked me for a benz an' I gave him a divers an' thought he woz getting a good deal still."
by real-i-o August 9, 2003
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verb - to take
tek off dem choopid glasses. u look like an eediot
by real-i-o August 9, 2003
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you saying you spent 2 grand on that piece of trash? you just got bumped
by real-i-o August 9, 2003
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1 - word heavy, hectic. something very good.
2- also used in place of "interesting" when something isn't so good
3- okay or really? used when no other appropriate words available. Also used to mean profound when in this context.
1 - "This tune is deep. For real"
2- "What did you think of my singing?"
"Er, yeah... It was... deep"
3- "I just got mugged."
"That's deep"
by real-i-o August 9, 2003
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