7 definitions by pulse.101

Showing off. A (sometimes inappropriate or unnecessary) display of power.
"That was some Big Dickery on behalf of the military, did they really have to blow up the entire country?"
by pulse.101 April 3, 2014
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shades of gray
when something is sketchy, superficial, or vague. the phrase can be used in many contexts. and yes, it was a phrase before that stupid movie came out.
"I'm not feeling this deal, this guy is way too many shades of grey"

"The mystery and shades of grey that surround the case make it hard to pinpoint the suspect"
by pulse.101 February 27, 2015
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Painkillers; vicodin, oxycodone, etc.

Smug hipsters like to think they're doing heroin by living vicariously through their favorite androgynous hipster musicians who have lyrics about heroin. Oddly enough, they would never touch heroin because of the stigma, even though painkillers and heroin are both opiates and chemically very similar.
Dude: "So you're doing hipster heroin every day and you talk down on people who do heroin? You'd probably save some money if you stop lying to yourself and switch to dope. Don't you wanna be like the Velvet Underground?"

Hipster: "No way dude, I'm never gonna touch that stuff. Heroin isn't even like a painkiller hurr durr. And I'm not a hipster (lie)."
by pulse.101 January 8, 2011
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Before the television show, "the wire" was another term for "the phone". In some areas talking "the wire" is referring to talking to someone through the glass in prison
"I have Jimmy on the wire he wants to talk to you"

"If Julian keeps getting arrested, he's gonna have to continue his rap career through the wire."
by pulse.101 February 11, 2015
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when something is sketchy, superficial, or vague. the phrase can be used in many contexts. and yes, it was a phrase before that stupid movie came out.
"I'm not feeling this deal man, this guy is way too many shades of gray"

"The mystery and shades of gray that surround the case make it hard to pinpoint the suspect"
by pulse.101 February 27, 2015
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Being high. The state of being high on marijuana.
"Man did you see peter last night he was all jonned up."

"I'm pretty jonned out right now."
by pulse.101 May 2, 2009
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A fixer is someone hired or on the payroll of an illegal organization. They can be anything from a hit man to a person that "can get things done", usually illegal. An example of "getting things done" can be intimidating or getting rid of witnesses to a crime, or murdering someone for whatever reason. Very similar to a button man.
The mafia had a fixer deal with the witness to a high profile murder.
hitman button man
by pulse.101 January 27, 2016
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