3 definitions by potato nipple

When a person spreads their butt cheeks while farting to prevent the fart from making too much noise by flapping of said butt cheeks.
"She totally just cheesy noodled, but I could still hear it."
"We were naked in bed together, and she cheesy noodled right next to me!"
by potato nipple October 28, 2013
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Del Val or DVRHS or whatever the fuck you want to call it fuckin sucks we got a 6'7" big ass blonde cunt as a principal and an ex power lifter bald headed ass bitch nigga as the vice principal where his main duties include being a bounty hunter for students vaping in the bathroom, puffing out his chest, and being a fucking cunt. For some godforsaken reason we're obsessed with 2 15-18 year old students touching each other's assholes on a mat. 93% of the students smoke the Mary Jane and do other drugs such as adderall, heroin, and over the counter bullshit drugs. We fucking suck at everything (except for cool ass vape tricks). Fuck me even half the fucking teachers smoke and probably want to lynch themselves. Every guy had their dick in at least some hole of a girl in the school it's basically a sesspool of all the STD's you can think of. Everyone is in the middle of butt fucking nowhere and lives on a farm. Fuck we have corn right next to the school, there's probably 12 black kids in the school and like 30 Mexicans or whatever the fuck you wanna call em, all the white kids (everyone) think they know rap cause they listen to lil uzi and lil pump. We have no money whatsoever.Nobody is a rival to us in any sport but we hate everyone in any other school and most of the time students drink and smoke during the football games. Apparently cheerleading is sport which is some bullshit. Nothing good has ever come from Del val and ever will it's a shithole of aids and incest.
Del Val sucks dick
by potato nipple August 20, 2017
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Sexy beast who can do a triple back flip off of a Sharknado whilst getting blown by refrigerator in the moonlight on the beach
Wish tim fenlon is a cool kid!
by potato nipple August 2, 2014
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