5 definitions by poopstick master

Large bud of hydroponic marijuana about 12" or longer is a poop stick
Yo we just got done burnin this poop stick we high like a g6
by poopstick master January 10, 2011
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A small oval round shaped candy that you smoke crack in. Then you put a juju on the ground and you turn it all around then you step on it.
Yo son pass that hard hard yo, we need to get me dat juju bean kid!
by poopstick master January 22, 2011
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Feces logs filled/sprinkled with corn kernels after eating corn for dinner the night before
Damn I took a shit this morning and had corn on the log. I forgot we ate corn last night for dinner
by poopstick master January 22, 2011
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The act of a male having anal sex with a female while resting a 2' or taller water bong on the small of her back while taking a hit from the bong.
Yo I tagged this ho last night, did her dirty an gave her the poop shoot boogy!
by poopstick master January 22, 2011
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The greatest video game player to ever pick up a Playstation controller.
Oh shit Cappa_Mcnasty killed me again, that is the best player I ever. Damn....
by poopstick master January 22, 2011
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