23 definitions by placebo

A country with great potential located on the southern part of a peninsula that juts out from China and the rest of mainland Asia. For centuries, it had been the cultural link from China to Japan, but when the West began to modernize the East, its power and influence dropped greatly, due to the stronger modernized countries of Japan, the US and Russia that became involved with it.
South Korea has undergone its share of highs and lows, and has made a remarkable leap from 3rd World country to a modern democracy in the last fifty years or so, but it still has a long way to go before it reaches world class status.
If South Korea is going to get anywhere, it should first learn to forgive and befriend its neighboring countries, especially Japan.
I am a South Korean because I live in South Korea.
by placebo December 8, 2004
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An internet site that sells Gold and Silver, the virtual currencies of World of Warcraft, for US Dollars, the real currency of the United States of America. Also known as a huge ripoff, also known as a boon for spoiled WoW noobs who want to buy armor that that's recommended for players twice their level.

However, if you're an avid World of Warcraft player that's near or at the level cap, you can sell gold to IGE for real money, and potentially offset the $14 a month you pay for the game itself. Get rich quick.

IGE also trades in the currencies from other games, although nobody plays Everquest or FFO anyways, so it's not really notable.
"Wow, I'm pulling in $50 a month selling my gold to IGE"
by placebo February 1, 2005
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A friendly way of saying "I don't want to talk to you anymore".
Me: "Hey, wanna do something Friday night?"

Her: "Oops, looks like I've got a call on the other line!"
by placebo February 4, 2005
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An English colloquial greeting that perplexed thousands of Americans upon reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Tonks uses it as a greeting, obviously requesting a sexual favor that will take place in the 6th book.
"Wotcher, Harry!"

("I want to feel you inside me, Harry!")
by placebo February 13, 2005
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A game that manages by some divine power to completely waste your life and lets you have fun while doing so.
"I'm $50,000 into debt because of all the gold I bought off of ige.com, and I have to pay child support for my wife who divorced me, but I'm happy, because I have a Level 50 Palladin and can gank all the noobs I want."
by placebo February 1, 2005
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Probably the most overhyped and under-delivering event in all of the gaming industry. Basically an excuse for pasty white "industry leaders" to go and hit on the chicks at the Vampire: Masquerade booth.
"Wow, I'm going to E3! Too bad you're missing out on overhyped drivel!"
by placebo February 9, 2005
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A veritable orgy, with none of the next-day guilt and unexplained pregnancies.
by placebo February 11, 2005
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