20 definitions by outlast

Show on BET. Similar to trl but BETTER!
by outlast October 18, 2003
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Chris and Neef
.State Property
.Cant Stop wont stop
non needed
by outlast November 21, 2003
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real non sexual defention:
suck on sometin that can also be a sucker or some kind of candy.
by outlast November 4, 2003
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Some word that gringos use to say sometin in spanish, cause thats all they know.Real meaning: male bitch(puta, feamle)
by outlast October 2, 2003
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zzzzzzzzzzz. Like sleeping but with eyes open. When your tired and everything's quiet and not fun.
expls; School,chatrooms,internet,books etc.......
by outlast October 18, 2003
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Earth,fire,wind,water,heart,Go Planet...
This environmentalist cartoon from the 90's that included 5 memebers from all continents.
Fire=black one. Fire=The white American
Wind=Some european girl with accent
Water=Asian girl
Heart=Some latino boy with a monkey.
and of course captain planet= red and white outfit with a planet logo blueish hair and greenish skin.They flew places with a solar powered airplaned.
I used to watch that, althogh never learned a lesson.
by outlast October 18, 2003
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