5 definitions by onl9
This is a newly found infection disease which can cause people to keep pressing wrong buttom on their devices, especially the call button. This disease can be passed through online chat platforms or irl chats.
by onl9 June 9, 2023
A word use to ask people to shut up. Origin by the Cantonese word 收皮 which reads as sau pei which is similar to sulphate.
by onl9 June 6, 2023
by onl9 June 5, 2023
by onl9 June 1, 2023
A word to use when describing someone or something who/which is looking clumsy, silly, dumb, retarded and slow. The pH value of neutral is 7 which read as the Cantonese word 柒 in Cantonese.
by onl9 June 7, 2023