38 definitions by one 'f' Jeph

Really crappy magic tricks that dads do that somehow impress little kids. Typically involves hiding something small with an overly exaggerated flourish and then pulling said object from behind some toddlers ear or wiggling fingers at a red light that is about to change and shouting 'turnius greenius!' as the light miraculously changes to green.
The old guy was bummed when he realized his teenage daughter was no longer astounded by his best dadgic tricks.
by one 'f' Jeph April 19, 2018
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All of my snarky comments cataloged in my mind and ready to be retrieved at a moment's notice whenever I'm in a situation which calls for some snark.
I accessed the snarchive like 10 times today - I'm on fire...
by one 'f' Jeph February 25, 2022
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Any type of beef tasting meat, meat-by-product, beef flavored meat substitute, etc. Something that tastes beefy or is trying to be beefy, but that isn't 100% beef.
Taco Bell crunchy tacos are made from beeph.
by one 'f' Jeph January 26, 2011
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Any mistakes you make while under the influence of OxyContin.
Dude. I wrecked my car in another oxydent. I was so faded.
by one 'f' Jeph January 21, 2023
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Old, black, funky, leftover guacamole
Dude, I just found some guacoldmole in the back of the fridge - looks pretty bad - do you want it?
by one 'f' Jeph May 26, 2023
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