69 definitions by not zane

I freaking hate fashion with a passion, something that needs to be ABOLISHED from this known world.

Ugh, so many simpletons dedicating their lives to being superficial. I cant stand it.
A person decided to dress how they liked, how they thought would look cool, not to others.

They were then ridiculed by some generic blonde haired chick with 15 of her friends. Fashion, much like looks, passes away.

I once said to my friends "oh yeah, I forgot, the way that you dress determines the human being that you are"

Its all horrible, I tell you, horrible.
by not zane September 5, 2004
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Legend has it that a man named Pierre Chappele, when on a recon mission, he found an enemy that was going to the bathroom.

Pierre snuck up behind him and slit his neck, his last words sounded like a mild fart.
Silent But Deadly is now used as a military term to describe an AWOL (Absence without leave)
by not zane July 23, 2004
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Funny actor, funny governor. In the process of rescuing California (Pronounced CAHL E FOUR KNEE UHHH) from random terroists that threaten to blow up California with a bunch of explosives.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is also proficiant in firing an M-60 with one arm with perfect accuracy. He has also mastered holding and firing two assault rifles at the same time, WHILE dislodging a 8 foot pipe from a wall amd chucking it as if was a spear and impaling the one who was unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of the aforementioned pipe. Another noteworth mention, is that he can wipe out an entire army without even as much as a single scratch, as seen in the movie commando
by not zane September 9, 2004
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Something im not proud to be, because a lot of teenagers are quite simply put; idiots.
Im 17, and I look around and see all of these people (teenagers) moping around, I tell them that we live like kings and they shrug me off and tell me about how bad their life is because, for example, they got dumped.

Teenagers aren't mentally ready, or responsible for relationships. Love at first sight? No, lust at first sight my good gentlemen, there is a difference.
by not zane September 8, 2004
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Music that has no quality, basically.
I was going down the street, without a care on my mind. All up in my own design... Again this song I just made up, will hit the top of the charts in 3 days. You'll see.
by not zane September 18, 2004
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Stay the hell away from that satanic game, the game consists of putting the tips of your fingers of both hands on the base, the eye of the piece moves around without you doing it. The piece will spell out certain things, that you ask.

I used to think it was an innocent toy capable of causing no harm. I played this game whenever I was 7 years old, when one day my nose started to bleed very VERY profusely as I was playing it, I knew after that time that that game was not a toy.

No this wasnt coincidence, I never had that bad of a nosebleed up until that point of time and only 5 times afterward which were very minute (Im 17 now, by the way)

This crap opens a gateway/
If you're a Christian like me or had a previous experience, I hope you'll have enough sense to stay away from this.
by not zane August 18, 2004
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