3 definitions by niggapilled

weaboo: she's legal, she only looks like a 11 year old
me: no legal lolis
you fucking degenerate
by niggapilled August 22, 2020
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basically you tell someone to go outside and get a social life
ultimate sentence to end a useless discussion with a stereotypical gamer/weeb/furry/other degenerate who doesn't go outside
so yeah if you're fat piece of trash in basement don't get offended, just go outside, socialize a bit, it'd be healthy for you
A: ima weeb
B: so what
A: i fap to that shit
B: go outside and get a life
A: did you just got out off a cod lobby
B: no I'm telling you to get a life
by niggapilled January 14, 2021
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don't proceed any further or seek early death
Person: Nig________
Twitter: *apeshit*
Person: Nignon Édouard
Twitter: *dies sfx*
by niggapilled January 26, 2021
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