3 definitions by nicky_steves

one who supports Reaction in opposition to the general progressive Western zeitgeist, often accompanied by a sense that the expansion of democratic politcs has made life in general much worse either in absolute terms, or measured by what should have been achievable with modern science, reason, and technology; usually believes race is a real genetic construct and therefore not surprised at disparate average outcomes across large population groups; often believes human evolution has in part or in toto shaped human nature, which therefore cannot easily, or at all, be changed very much by social engineering and/or conditioning; usually believes heirarchy is imprinted upon mankind by nature and/or God, and that heirarchy is not only not necessarily evil, but desirable and even inevitable and ought not be torn down for any but the most grave reasons; tends to support tradition either as revealed by his religion and/or as successful adaptive memetic developments which usually solve deep and complex problems in human societies; anti-revolutionary; anti-socialist; anti-communist; anti-whig; anti-democratic; anti-globalist; skeptical; (once a term of derision, most reactionaries of late do happily so self-identify)
Tom suddenly realized he couldn't find a single Republican at the convention who didn't hail FDR anything less than a great hero. He remembered knowing conservatives in his youth who opposed both FDR and WWII. But where were they now? They had disappeared, but their thoughts and words had not. Tom hadn't changed his mind about much in the past 25 years, but he suddenly realized he was a Reactionary.
by nicky_steves April 16, 2013
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An electronic currency, which consists of cryptographic proofs-of-work, that can literally, verifiably, and securely transferred the over the internet from a buyer's bitcoin client (app, software) to a seller's without the aid of a mutually trusted third party (e.g., paypal or credit card bank, who traditionally collects a fee for this trust).
Western Union will charge you almost 5% to transfer $20,000 to India. They won't even let you do it in a single transfer since it is too big, and they'll hit you with an unfavorable exchange rate. Why don't you just send your vendor some bitcoin?
by nicky_steves April 13, 2013
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the firm and visceral sense that modernity sucks, even though, by all rights, it should not; anti-revolution; anti-progressivism; usually triggered by observation of one or more of the following: women are less pleasant and/or men are wimpier than they should be, foreigners are everywhere they shouldn't be, mankind is getting stupider, the more democratic things are the more corrupt they seem to be, ugliness is everywhere and getting worse.
After recognizing the vapid status seeking of his "progressive" neighbors, the hopeless ignorance of the electorate, Bill decided to plant his feet on the side of The Reaction.
by nicky_steves April 13, 2013
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