3 definitions by nick whitehouse

When you are so inundated with email, both genuine email and spam, that you have to delete everything and start over again.
I am so far behind on email that I am declaring email bankruptcy this year.
by nick whitehouse May 2, 2007
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The online suburbia, places such as Youtube, Myspace, Flickr are all apart of the current online social landscape – where the user mass live breathe and converse.
Have you seen my myspace page? I'm living high in Cyburbia.
by nick whitehouse May 2, 2007
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When two straight men (usually mates) go out to a pub, bar or sports game etc together.
Rachael "What did you get up to last night?"
John "I went to the pub with Mike"
Rachael "Oh so you had a man date"
by nick whitehouse June 20, 2007
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