215 definitions by nate

verb - to take a wad of dollar (any ammount) bills and bitchslap someone across the face
g money that bitch
dont make me g money you
by nate March 28, 2005
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Used in conversation as meaning to be insignificant, unimportant or irrelevant dickspittle the word actually refers to the urine that remains in the forskin of an uncircumcised man's penis when he goes to the washroom.

The word can be used as an insult (to be called unimportant), to reject a proposal (similar to saying, "hell no") or as a description of an object or situation.

Words that can be used similarly include flyspeck, pissass and dirtbag based on the situation.
Example One:

Man One: Why don't we go out and get some drinks, forget all life's worries?
Man Two: Dickspittle! I am not in the mood to waste my life away.

Example Two:

Woman One: Oh, let's go out into the country, it would be ever so much fun!
Woman Two: No, I won't be going of to some dickspittle farm in the middle of nowhere.
by nate July 7, 2004
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to beat, fight, slap or hurt somebody
don't make me slop your ass.
by nate July 14, 2003
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A merging of several words into one, swhatcha is actually a rapidly stated section of a greater enquery.

Swhatcha is actually 'so-what-you'.
Person One: Swhatcha wanna do?
Person Two: Shit man, dunno, ain't got no green.
by nate June 29, 2004
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1.One who illegally flees from country to country without any identification underminding the law. 2. An immigrant.
Damn criskoe's takin alll our jobs.
by nate July 17, 2003
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Last night Mike did the PW.
by nate August 8, 2004
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