4 definitions by mr butcher

One who proposes an outcome of incredible, magical, or illogical proportions and you know he is an oversized penis spewing ejaculator. Always involves money and a false sense of security. TV evangelists, George Bush, any salesman.
Did you hear that immaculator got caught with a prostitute?
by mr butcher March 15, 2008
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one who's immense optimistic proposal to some incredible , amazing, magical outcome is clearly bullshit cause you know he's just an oversized dick-head spewing ejaculator. Always involves money and a false sense of security.
Rush: Our "Great Emaculator" is going to bring peace to our homeland by continuing this war in Iraq.
by mr butcher March 15, 2008
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when an ejaculation dries on any surface and resmbles any thing biblical
gee honey we should clean that immaculation of the virgin mary off the head board since your mother is coming to visit.
by mr butcher March 15, 2008
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the prolonged look on a woman's face while waiting for her facial, characterized by rapid blinking of the eyelids
The advertisements in the back of the porno magazine is filled with sperm-a-faces
by mr butcher March 15, 2008
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