17 definitions by moltovivace

A lively Italian dance, usually in 6/8 time.
Let's all dance the Tarantella Napoletana!
by moltovivace February 23, 2005
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German composer who lived 1770-1827.

Composer of 9 syphonies, 23 piano sonatas and numerous other woks, is aknowledged by many as one of the greatest classical composers the world has ever seen.

He began to lose his hearing in 1801, and pursued a rather erratic form of behavior. His opera, Fidelio, completely flopped and Beethoven had to revise it several times. He also became depressed because of his failure in his desire to become married. However, it was during this time he wrote "Symphony no.9", (while completely deaf) which is now reconized by many as the finest Symphony ever composed.

Other famous works include:

Sonata Pathetique Op. 13
Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27
Symphony 5
Fur Elise

He is amongst the "Big Four" of the classical composing community, with Bach, Mozart and Tchaikovsky.
While the era of classical music may be past, almost everyone who walks the earth today can hum the first few bars the Fifth Symphony.
by moltovivace February 23, 2005
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The last gospel of the Bible, translated by Joseph Smith and published in 1830.

Is Mormonism of Christianity?

Galatians 1:8 (NIV)
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
by moltovivace April 30, 2005
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CERN is the "Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire", or "European Organization for Nuclear Research".

CERN, located on the France-Swiss border, near Geneva, It is the world's largest research centre for particle physics.

CERN's efforts are now primarily focused on the construction and completion of the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC. The 27 kilometre particle accelerator/collider will become the world's most powerful.

Using the LHC (to be completed in 2007) CERN hopes to set and study conditions very close to those shortly after the Big Bang. They hope to answer questions such as: "What is Mass? Are there extra dimensions? Are there violations between the symmetry of matter and antimatter?"

Numerous CERN physicist have been awarded Nobel Prizes, and CERN is reconized as the creator of the World Wide Web.

20 countries currently contribute to CERN's efforts.
The answers to the universe's biggest questions lie in the universe's tiniest particles.
by moltovivace June 24, 2005
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Ninty's next console.

Apparently Nintendo considers the ability to play old 2D games "revolutionary".
Are you going to buy a Nintendo Revolution?

Nah, I already have a SNES.
by moltovivace June 6, 2005
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French impressionist composer who produced ill-sounding, structure-lacking, melody-absent underdeveloped pieces of insufficient crap.
The impressionist movement single-handedly destroyed classical music.
by moltovivace June 25, 2005
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