40 definitions by mike truitt

The act of wanting something that someone else has
"what now bitch" clearly is jealous of most people due to the fact that they have an IQ greater than their age.
by mike truitt June 12, 2003
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First official public celebration of Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, a pagan Roman holiday that was later co-opted by Christians to celebrate the birth of their favorite Jew. Turning the holiday into "Christmas" (in 336 AD) was part of a pattern of the church stealing various pagan festivals and feast days
by mike truitt June 17, 2003
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When a government says one thing to intentionally get the public to believe something that is mostly lies.
by mike truitt June 19, 2003
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Generally preceded by a complement and an expression of gratitude by another.

Originated by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
Me: Hey, that is a good shirt
You: Really? Thank you!
Me: For me to poop on!!!!
by mike truitt June 17, 2003
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