745 definitions by michael foolsley

very hard time "making money", weak skills convincing a 'currency agent' one is the new jesus!

mental difficulties encouraging money to 'come around'
he was so tender challenged, money wouldn't visit!

being tender challenged, he was painted into a corner!

few have sympathy for the tender challenged!
by michael foolsley August 19, 2010
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try to like or understand something you dislike, don't understand, or perhaps don't know as much as you think you know about it

walk in anothers' shoes
that rush limbaughs a fat prick, but we went out drinking and i had a good time- hes' cool, i had to embrace the devil with him.

judy had to embrace the devil when having her first anal

i went out with a bunch of liberals, -man, before i knew it i was smokin' weed...they were all right! i had to embrace the devil with them.
by michael foolsley November 22, 2009
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removal of the hard crusty material/s that collect around the eye, commonly known as "sleep"
had to spend some ocular geology time this am

the rocks around my eyes would tire even the most hardy ocular geologist this morning!
by michael foolsley February 23, 2010
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what the 'cold snap' of january 2010 (2/3 of usa!) can do!!!!!!!!!!)
he politely explained to the sales'person' that he/she could "suckle my rectum"!!

encouraging the policemen to "suckle my rectum", john awoke bruised; in a cage!

the "pump and dump" walked away steaming, shouting; suckle my rectum!!!
by michael foolsley January 5, 2010
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marriage certificate -weaving the 'state'/church into the equation of two humans who would desire to be 'linked' for any period of time. -pledging to remain the same to the person, without regard to chronological erosion, hidden, unrealized, or subliminal desires.
he signed a blind contract, then went crazy

they signed a blind contract, then both got sloppy fat

after signing a blind contract, realized he was gay
by michael foolsley December 21, 2009
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nipples, really nice marijuana buds, an ancient rock band
she has some darling buds

he had some seriously darling buds

i think the darling buds rock band is dead
by michael foolsley January 4, 2010
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a disease where people simply rub one the wrong way, and are assumed guilty until proven innocent. in a world of billions of people, it is usually not too long before an 'asshole' is revealed! (probably me!) CERTAINLY not YOU!! -this is a non-discriminatory malady affecting any race, creed
he was allergic to people, he had been stunk on way too often!
she was allergic to people, and consequently kept to herself!!
by michael foolsley December 11, 2009
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