66 definitions by melanie

A Kobaloid creature possessing great strength. Orcs usually come out at night but are not fully nocturnal. They are the second most intelligent (to Goblins) and second strongest (to trolls) Kobaloids. In general they are a society of barbaric, sociopathic warriors, but some will resort to more peaceful methods. If it suits their interests, of course. Since they are, of course, not real, use this term to refer to a stupid and brutish individual.
Tom Buchanan is such an Orc.
by melanie October 11, 2003
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An incredibly large penis.
He's definitely packing a Durand.
by melanie November 18, 2003
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to remove stuffing from an object.
Kelly unstuffed the teddy bear because she was mad at Ana.
by melanie February 14, 2005
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