36 definitions by meghan

The area code for Southern Alberta, Canada. Major city in this area is Calgary. Often used as slang when asked where one comes from.
Person: Hey man, what do you represent?
South-Albertan: 403, baby!!
by meghan August 26, 2003
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Tyra looked hot at the VS angels runway show, but she reminds me of a black Britny Spears in her "America's Top Model" music video
by meghan February 25, 2004
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1. (verb) To constantly 'brown-nosing', or kissing the ass of another to the point of annoyance.

2. (noun) Someone who constantly brown-noses or kisses the ass of another to the point of annoyance

2. (adj) A derogatory slang term for a homosexual.
1. I wish he'd quit buttpirating me. He's so not going to get the promotion.

2. He's such a buttpirate. That's half the reason I wont' share the money with him.

3. What a buttpirate. I hope he doesn't make any moves on any guys in front of me.
by meghan January 6, 2004
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adjective: a man with the necessary willpower to resist blatant sexual advances from alluring, yet unsuitable, females.

This phrase stems from the classic tale of "The Three Little Pigs", in which the only house to stand against the Big Bad Wolf's onslaught is that of brick.

Accordingly, a man who ends up caving and having intercourse is a House of Straw.
1. "What happened last night? Jeff's girlfriend was all over you!"
"It's okay, man, I was a House of Brick."
by meghan January 29, 2004
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First of all, I am only posting this in response to "parkie4life"'s: "The best fucking place to live in the world.Hey dont hate us cuz your poor trailor park trash! I love the Park bitches!" Parkie, dear, "Hey" should have a comma after it, your "dont" needs an apostrophe, "cuz" is spelled "cause"...or (gasp) more properly "because", and your "your" should be spelled "you're". If trailor park trash was to even be mentioned in this definition, it would be to state that you seem to have the grammar of MD's trashiest. If you want to make the park look good (which is hard considering the people are stuck up assholes, and it really isn't that great), try using the grammar you should've learned in sixth grade.
"The best fucking (ah, the common use of fuck -one of MD's trashiest habits)place to live in the world. Hey don't hate us because you're poor trailor park trash! I love the Park bitches!"
by meghan April 2, 2005
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Pre-cum. Pre-ejaculatory seminal fluid.
"You can still get pregnant before I pull out. I still got lotsa prum."
by meghan February 12, 2004
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Usually used as a punk expression, first used in england by Cockney, means, yes, or yeh!
OI! to the punks, and OI! to the skins, but OI! to the world and everybody wins -The Vandals
by meghan November 23, 2003
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