13 definitions by mee

adj. Means to Exhibit a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish. Exact translation is "silly billy" or "silly sally". Used only by extremely cool types.
That Bradley is so pssshikle.
by mee February 10, 2005
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Goes by the name Brad. Is sexae and a genius!! also see pssshikle.
by mee February 7, 2005
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a person with no life and likes to have sex with sheep hourly...
by mee November 18, 2003
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1. an awsome band that sings "Down With The Sickness" see o-wa-a-a-a
2. unrest or wrong
Disturbed rocks, man.

This kid really disturbed... he sits there and talks to himself in class.
by mee May 5, 2004
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