9 definitions by matty D

Used to kill vampires. Has to be struck into the heart.
by matty D July 1, 2004
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Brop:Repeated over and over and made longer and shorter by gangstas from nottingham to be loud and abbusive.
" brrrrrrrrop brop brop brop brrrrop"
by matty D January 10, 2005
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Someone who likes to give others the "backseat treatment".
Matty D gave Stacey Hamburgler the backseat treatment.
by matty D March 30, 2005
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Another word for gypsy or traveller. An insult like the word Pikey.
Some besin nicked me bike, the little lucky heather selling shit!
by matty D August 13, 2004
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English translation is "True Playas For Real". Greek translation is "Tau Pi Rho". This fraternity originated in Seaford, New York in 2003. It has beome the largest growing fraternity in the Northeast region but has also rumored to be in San Diego, Vegas, Boston, Key West and Orlando.
I want to be in TPR because it is the coolest frat every. Did you go to TPR's bladderbuster last weekend?
by matty D March 30, 2005
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