11 definitions by mammarylane

That horrible sensation when you have just coughed or sneezed and a hot sensation bubbles up from your throat and you realise that you are just about to phlegm up.
Malcolm stood in the middle of his garden, guests surrounding him. He tried to clear his throat as it felt raspy. He tried for a cough and before he knew it an acrid tasting and foul orange dart of hot spew issued forth from his mouth and down onto his shoes. Everyone looked stunned and disgusted including his aunt Miriam. They all knew what had just happened. Malcolm had phlegmed up.
by mammarylane September 17, 2017
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The act of slurping large amounts of male jizz from shot glasses while a room full of naked masked men continue with the refills.
Susan surveyed the scene. Her mother had told her to get out and meet men and stop being such a wallflower. She couldn't help feeling though that she had more than likely taken a wrong turn someplace as this wasn't what she hoped her life would be like. Still she would get her protein intake through all this cum chugging for the next decade so who's complaining?
by mammarylane October 24, 2015
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The term given to the panel of adjudicators who realise that your entry is just too damn disgusting, perverted and depraved to ever be allowed onto the Urban Dictionary site and instead you have to be content with an email alerting you to the fact that it won't be accepted and you simply have to scroll back and forth wondering what it would have looked like on the site possibly being enjoyed by many different people all over the world rather than just your eyes alone in your bedroom. You try not to take the rejection personally, however, it just east you up inside and so you decide to heavily edit your submission and try again. Eventually, it gets accepted but it's lost its bite due to the nature of the many edits made to it. You realise that you are just a sad old bastard with too much time on your hands so you go and fap before falling asleep in your own sweat and semen in your parent's basement.
"Hi Larry, did your Urban Dictionary term get accepted for the site?"
"No Douglas, it didn't get past the Urban Dictionary peer review process."
"Never mind. Please don't try to be too sad about it."
"I need to cry now. Please take my dress off and leave and maybe come back later okay?"
"Sure thing dude although it does look good on me."
by mammarylane September 17, 2017
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A herb you put on poultry after it's been fisted.
Clary sage is the perfect compliment to a fresh Hampstead chicken.
by mammarylane October 24, 2015
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