8 definitions by mEEf

The act of masterbating.. very quietly.
"I was playing with myself under the sheets at my parents home so i had to kumquat."
by mEEf January 19, 2004
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PC's = piece of shit thats about as useful as a cabbage! Really shit and has unnesasary pop-ups and the most annoying paper clip that ALWAYS says "hey, it looks like you're writing a letter, would you like help?"! - how annoying!
PC's crash all the fucking time, and are about as quiet as a JCB ploughing the farmers fields - not to mention how shit they look!!

Mac's = The dream machine, alot more stylish that your average PC and has use for it other than playing shitty PC games like Duke Newcome or Half Life!
the Mac actually doesn't crash all the fuckin time and is alot easier to use. Whats the point in have a "Start menu" on a PC when you can have the most stylish "Dock" on the Mac!
All you PC geeks out there - get a Mac and you won't regret it!

the winner is - The Mac
PC user: "fuck man my PC's just crashed again......oh its on now but it has green glitches on it!!! huh? "

Mac user: "man this is so stylish and easy to use, i'll never go back to the PC....NEVER! this motherfuker doesn't crash all the time! runs like a dream!
by mEEf September 11, 2004
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people who diss celebrities and other famous people to make themselves feel better!

sad American boys who live in their parents basements downloading porn all day!

Scally fuckers from England who have Bleached-Blonde hair who wear cheap Burberry hats and Rockport shoes saying, "Buzzin" or "thats canny man yeah" or "ere mate save us two's"!!

someone who has no comman sense!

Someone who doesn't care about being succesful, and will probably work in McDonalds for the rest of his/her life! and always say, "d ya want fries with that?"

people who take drugs and smoke pot/weed (it all kills you eventually) but they don't care!

and there's lots of other sad patetic little bastards out there, and EVERYONE THINKS YOUR SAD!
Scally says: "ere mate can you get served"
Punk says: "no, im off to go die my hair black"

Basement liver says: "Celebrities are sooo stupid, they like pose all the fuckin time, they are so retarded!"

Normal person says: "You just say all that shit to make yourself feel better, you might look "good" on the Internet but your an acne-faced motherfucker"

i hate these people!
by mEEf September 9, 2004
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Meef is my nickname AND my Xbox Live Gamertag.

everybody calls me Meef, don't ask why cos it takes too long to explain!
Noob: holy crap Meef just kicked my ass on halo 2
Noob2: I know, well Meef is a much higher rank than us Noobs at rank 3!!!!
by mEEf April 15, 2005
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the leetage
God of Gods
Men among men
Destroyer of souls
Holy shit, this track is Ex-Core
by mEEf August 21, 2003
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A mutant hybrid variant of the homus erectus family believed by some to have been cross bred with a chia pet in monolithic times.
I see that hair growing! You can't fool me! You izza pEEf!!!
by mEEf January 19, 2004
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a reaction when someone asks you to do something and you don't wanna!
Kind of a sarcastic remark.
Started in the NixLaou Wayz!
person1 : son you must go get me a bevvy!
person2 : tezzz nay son can't be doin that, ya know what i'm sayin son?
by mEEf September 13, 2004
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