18 definitions by m rockwell

A slang term for Camel brand cigarettes.
"I need a pack of humps"
"I need a hump"
"I need to be humped"

Customer to convenience store clerk: "Hump me"
Clerk: "What?!!?"
by m rockwell February 15, 2007
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A dude who does men in the ass ("putts from the rough") part-time; a bisexual male.
"Yo, I saw Travis get with that hamilton the other night, but he been spendin' a lot of time wit' Andy lately. I think he might be a part-time putter."
by m rockwell February 20, 2007
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A dude who does men in the ass ("putts from the rough") part-time; a bisexual male.
"Yo, I saw Travis turn down that hamilton the other night, and he been spendin' a lot of time wit' Andy lately. I think he might be a part-time putter."
by m rockwell February 18, 2007
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"Yo Humboldt County has the sickest hedges"

"Let's go chuff some hedges"
by m rockwell February 15, 2007
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